
Time and Date Format Options

Available time and date format options are listed in the table. You can set the time and date from the device's [Settings / 設定]>[Time & Date Format / 日期 / 時間格式]menu.

For Oceania countries, Middle East, Thailand and Vietnam

Attribute Format Options Attribute Format Options
Date 12/31/2099 Date 2099-12-31
12.31.2099 31/12/2099
12-31-2099 31.12.2099
December 31, 2099 31-12-2099
Dec. 31, 2099 31. December 2099
2099/12/31 31. Dec. 2099
Time 11:59 PM Time 23:59

The default settings are shown in Bold.

The values for the date and time are used to display a sample setting. When a format is selected, the time and date you set in the Clock setting will appear in the selected format option.

For Hong Kong

Attribute Format Options Attribute Format Options
Date 31/12/2099 Date 12/31/2099 
31/12/99 12/31/99





Time 11:59 PM Time



The default settings are shown in Bold.

The values for the date and time are used to display a sample setting. When a format is selected, the time and date you set in the Clock setting will appear in the selected format option.
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